The following statement is the approved constitution of the Central Washington Seventh Day Baptist Church located in Yakima, Washington.
The Central Washington SDB church is independent of all authority from any organization, conventions, associations, etc. It may cooperate with such for fellowship, evangelism and missionary efforts at the choosing of the members. The church will support both foreign and home missionary efforts by the will of the members and the command of Christ
The Church shall meet on the sabbath (Saturday) for worship services and at other times as needed to fulfill its ministry. The officers of the church shall consist of pastor, clerk, treasurer, and others needed for operational purposes. The officers of the church are elected by the members.
The government of the church is congregational. Decisions are made by majority vote of the members at regular scheduled or called business meetings. Besides the regular business meeting, a meeting may be called by the moderator at the proper request of any member of the church.
The church, in obedience to the Lord's command, shall be obedient to the laws of the land so long as such laws do not conflict with scriptural teachings. We will serve faithfully the leaders of our nation even if we do not fully agree with their policies, insofar as such are not contrary to the commands of God. We will pray for our nation and its leaders that they may lead us in the right way.
The church is not a political organization and we shall not attempt to enter into political efforts. As individuals we are encouraged to vote and help those we believe will lead our nation in the right direction.
This constitution may be amended or revised by the majority vote of the members present at a pre-scheduled business meeting;
Revised April 18th. 2007 (May 12,2010 / name change.